Muzo AkA Alphonso
Jun- 2019 -3 JuneSocial Media Buzz
I Can’t Ask Macky 2 For A Feature Says Muzo Aka Alphonso
Former Alpha Entertainment artist Muzo Aka Alphonso had an interview with Sydney Kush recently on which he had pointed out so many things. On the interview Muzo Aka Alphonso says he can’t ask Macky 2…
Feb- 2019 -9 FebruaryZambian Music 2025
Muzo Aka Alphonso – Alicia
Muzo Aka Alphonso drops another single titled Alicia and it is produced by Bllactear. Check it out! [ddownload id=”5762″]
Jan- 2019 -28 JanuarySocial Media Buzz
Kiss-B Circumlocutory Calls Muzo A Wack Artist!!!
One of the cyphers in the country that people wait for is the Kasama Swag Cypher which is usually comprised of upcoming artists based in Kasama. This year, a lot of Zambian music fans were waiting…
Dec- 2018 -7 DecemberZambian Music 2025
Muzo Aka Alphonso X FarBwoy Rona – Nshakopwe (Prod. Kekero)
As promosed, Muzo Aka Alphonso releases his brand new single titled ‘Nshakopwe’. The song features Farbwoy rona. Download, listen & Share. [ddownload id=”3838″]
Nov- 2018 -8 NovemberVideos
Muzo Aka Alphonso – Ya (Video + Mp3)
Off his recently released interlude EP – Massacre, Kasama Swag emcee – Muzo AKA Alphonso unveils visuals to track number 9 titled “Ya“. With audio produced by Shinko Beats, the street themed music video was…
Oct- 2018 -27 OctoberSocial Media Buzz
Muzo Aka Alphonso Replies To Most Questions Asked By Fans
Kasama Swag Rapper Muzo Aka Alphonso yesterday asked his fans on his facebook page to ask him questions and will only to questions asked withhin 30 minutes though some were not replied to. Here are…
15 OctoberZambian Music 2025
Muzo Aka Alphonso – Massacre (Prod. Shinko Beats)
From Muzo Aka Alphonso’s new Album known as Massacre, Here is track number 8 which is known as Massacre. Muzo Aka Alphonso goes hard on this one. The song is produced by Shinko Beats. Download,…
12 OctoberZambian Songs
Muzo Aka Alphonso Expected To Release A New Ep/Album
Kasama swag rapper Muzo Aka Alphonso recently released an Ep/Album 6 Days ago which was known as Massacre. The album had 10 songs on it and was entirely produced by Shinko Beats at Red Castle Studios. Muzo Aka…
Jul- 2018 -16 JulyZambian Music 2025
Muzo AkA Alphonso – Nga nakumona ndena – Prod. Domi
After changing the title and tracklist of his forthcoming EP again, Muzo AKA Alphonsohas continued to warm up to it’s release. He puts out his latest solo effort titled “Nga Nakumona Nden” [sdm_download id=”759″ fancy=”0″]