Uprising Artist “Wizku” Apologises For Stealing Beat From Dj Mzenga Man
Uprising HipHop artist has whole heartedly apologised to the management of M. Beats Generation ltd for stealing a beat which had vocals of Tiye-P and was meant for the “Nipase Beat Ya Mzenga Man” Challenge. The artist released the stolen song/beat recently and was posted on some blogs of which some have withdrawn it.
Below is the full statement and apology by Wizku.
I wish to hear by whole heartedly apologise to management of M. Beats Generation Music Limited for Stealing a song that was meant for the “Nipase Beat Beat Ya Mzenga Man” Challenge. I registered to participate and i was given a beat that has a chorus for Tiye P but instead, i decided to record on it and release the song. So i lied to claim that it was my song featuring Tiye P because i did it illegally. I wish to appeal to the general public to stop circulating…