Profiles & Biographies

[Profiles] Youths On Fire

Who Are Youths On Fire??

Youths On Fire is a group of young Christian youths brought together under the umbrella of God’s word.
It is all inclusive in Age,Sex,Nationality And Status.The group is mainly focused in preaching the gospel, transform lives and win souls to the glory of God through Jesus Christ our king(Matthew 28), local community, national and the world at large.
As having this as a vision,the group is all to deliver to all ages,sex,status and nationality God’s Will of wanting to preach the Gospel and making disciples of all nations.

Objectives Of The Group

Youths on fire objectives are highlighted in the descriptive introduction of preaching the gospel and transforming lives. The group uses this as a vision and theme to deliver God’s word in different platforms. These platforms include poetry,drama,sketch,singing, debate and work among others. The group is to take advantage of any area of youth action bases in order that God’s word can flow at ease without having to create particular platforms for particular audiences. Having done this the group is sure that God’s word will reach and touch a billion one by one in Faith,Hope and Love as they get to receive it. With one mind,body and soul many shall be saved all to the glory of God through Jesus Christ our king.


The group hopes to be an inspiration to many so that they can have the urge to to do God’s work.By being an inspiration especially to fellow young youths,the group hopes that many souls will be touched by its work.And so many young youths are part of the group to carry out this inspiration.



The group also focuses on educational background of young youths in order that none will be left behind in knowledge, wisdom and understanding.By putting in to consideration everyone educational performance unfaltering assistance can be offered to one facing a certain challenge. The group also believes in education as a key to success.


Not all about education and inspiration but spiritual growth and integrity is well thought of at the same time.Through Sharing God’s word, praying and teaching one another many people and members grow spiritually and intellectually as well.


To be obedient,innovated, educated and decated leading to becoming an inspiration is how a youth should be.So by every remainder about education,spiritual growth and inspiration many of the youths dedicated their own precious time and day to greater improvement and valuable life time spent.
Youths on fire is a non profitable prospective organization in all its make with a structure of:
Vice chairperson
Vice Secretary
Vice treasurer


You can call the Youth Group On The Following Numbers:

+26 0971829987

+26 0964446114



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