Chef 187 Is Currently Not Signed Under Nexus, But There Is A Possibility He May Renew His Contract!!
There has been rumors circulating around social media that Chef 187 is currently not signed under Nexus Music Entertainments. This comes after Chef 187 released two music videos which are “Bwacha” & “Husband Material” without the Nexus Music Entertainments logos in the videos. According to KB, the CEO of Nexus Music Entertainments, he said he had no idea what’s going with the signing with Chef 187 to Nexus because he hasn’t been in the Nexus office for approximately 6 months.
On a known popular podcast on YouTube known as That Zed Podcast where Kb was interviewed, The interviewer “K Plus” had to make a phone call to Chef 187’s manager “Superman” just to get to find out if Chef 187 was currently signed under Nexus Music Entertainments. Chef 187’s manager “Superman” confirmed that Chef 187 is no longer part of Nexus Music Entertainments Ltd and also there is a possibility he may renew his contract. The contract was a 1 year contract which ended. Watch interview below!1