Bobby East May Give Us Some Barz This December!
Bobby East released only one song this year which happens to be a love song. The song is titled Heaven and it features Winston Moyo. Check it out below.
Before the song “Heaven” was released, Bobby East asked his fans which song they preferred he should release between the one which Winston Moyo or the one which featured Yo Maps. Fortunate enough, his fans chose the one he featured Winston Moyo.
Few days ago, Some music fans, probably Xyz Fans, stated that they were tired of Bobby East doing love songs and they preferred he brought back the Barz. This trended on the social media platform – Facebook.
The message reached Bobby East and he responded on Twitter. Check out his response below!
Lol OK then let’s do this…..
— 👑 of RnB (@VanillaDzaddy) November 18, 2019